21世纪是人才竞争的世纪,以人力资本为核心的经济增长取代了以实物资本为核心的经济增长,教育尤其是高等教育发展成为经济增长的重要推手,高等教育与经济发展、收入分配紧密关联,各国都非常重视高等教育的发展,为高等教育的发展提供资金支持,高等教育财政支出与经济增长、收入分配间的关系已经发展为研究热点。本研究从新经济地理的视角,探讨区域高等教育财政支出的分布特征、影响因素,分析区域高等教育支出与收入分配的关联关系,试图找到区域高等教育财政支出配置的最优方式,以充分发挥区域高等教育财政支出在收入分配方面的积极作用。区域高等教育财政支出模式包括累进型、公式型、绩效型、衍生型、复合型等。高等教育财政支出模式演变中的路径依赖和锁定呈现为功能性锁定、认知性锁定、政治性锁定。功能性锁定造成高校间的趋同化发展,认知性锁定引发财政有效供给不足,政治性锁定禁锢于长官意志。高等教育财政支出模式的路径依赖及所形成的功能性锁定、认知性锁定与政治性锁定,是高等教育良性发展的枷锁,要摆脱枷锁,就要进行功能性解锁、认知性解锁与政治性解锁,对高等教育财政支出模式进行创新。功能性解锁要对高等教育财政支出模式分类分层,认知性解锁要就高等教育财政支出模式明确政府动态财政责任,政治性解锁要对高等教育财政支出模式去行政化约束。高等教育财政支出影响因素有地理区域经济水平、政治、高等教育财政体制、地理区域财力、地理区域高等教育基础和国家高等教育支出地理区域布局等,且这些影响因素相互关联。地理区域高等教育财政支出和收入分层间不仅是单向因果关联关系,还存在相互内生关系。由于劳动者的流动性、地方政府间的竞争,地理区域高等教育财政支出和收入分层间还存在着空间相关性。在各省高等教育财政支出的聚类分析中发现,经济发达地区,财力雄厚,高等教育财政性支出也不弱,经济欠发达地区,财力不足,虽然有国家政策的支持,但欠账毕竟不少,高等教育财政性支出还是有待加强。同时,东部地区一些省份高等教育财政性支出明显地聚集为一类,中西部地区各省份高等教育财政性支出的聚类并不显著。东部地区内部出现属于不同类别的省份,如海南,可判定东部地区内有着不同的省份高等教育财政性支出的聚类,在层次聚类分析中,中西部和东北地区聚为一类,当前东部地区有必要进一步细分,才能更有针对性地调整高等教育财政性支出的投入政策。中部、西部和东北地区可合并为一个大区域,这样在高等教育财政性支出的地理区域投入政策上才不至于顾此失彼。在区域高等教育财政支出的空间分布特征分析中发现,区域高等教育财政支出较为集中,但集中程度低于GDP、收入分层,说明政府力量虽没有完全弥补市场失败,但还是在一定程度上减轻了市场失败。在区域高等教育财政支出产出的评价中发现,区域高等教育财政支出产出不仅受到高等教育财政支出存量等基础条件的影响,还会受区域高等教育财政支出效率影响,支出效率取决于区域的特定因素,涵盖高等教育集群环境、经济收入的关联关系、对区外高等教育财政支出溢出的吸纳力度。我国区域高等教育财政支出产出的差距显著但存在好转态势,此为区域间高等教育财政支出规模与效率共同作用的结果,区域高等教育财政支出产出对高等教育全要素生产率(TFP)、高等教育财政支出规模、区域经济有着显著影响,进而扰动区域间与区域内的收入分层。国家层面高等教育财政支出投入战略,在中央高等教育财政支出地理区域配置优化中,要加大高等教育财政支出的地理区域投入力度,多渠道筹措高等教育财政经费,对各地理区域抽肥补瘦,转移支付弥补经济欠发达省份高等教育投入的效率损失。在东、中、西与东北地区高等教育财政支出中,财政支持东部地区高等教育先行发展,扶助东北地区高等教育资源共享,助力中部地区高等教育崛起,倾斜于西部高等教育质量改善,施行东部高校对口支援西部高校计划。高等教育聚集区“发展极”高等教育财政支出中,财政支持“发展极”争创“双一流”,先进带动后进。老少边穷与基层地区高等教育财政支出中,可在财政支持下新设一所综合性地方专科院校,采用筑巢引凤的方式,同地理位置接近的本科高校联合办学,把原有师范专科学校扩建成综合性的地方专科院校。区域层面高等教育财政支出地理区域投入战略,在政治经济类型区高等教育财政支出中,政治经济“双强”的区域,既要为高等教育发展投入应尽之力,努力建设世界一流大学与学科,还要力争区域收入分层合理化发展;政治强经济弱的区域,关键是利用政治优势攫取更多中央高等教育财政支出,把政治优势转变为高等教育发展能力,力争合理的收入分层;政治弱经济强的区域,关键是利用经济优势补足高等教育投入,提高区域高等教育发展能力,进而推动收入分层合理化;政治经济“双弱”的区域,需要采取跟随策略。长江经济带等经济区高等教育财政支出中,“一带一路”高等教育财政投入要支持高等教育练好内功,支持高等教育“走出去”,产学研合作,高等教育“引进来”。长江经济带高等教育财政投入要恰当调配高等教育财政投入结构,合理培养高等教育人才,多手段吸引高校人才聚集。京津冀协同发展高等教育财政支出要改善高等教育互惠合作的制度环境,明确高等教育在京津冀协同发展中的职责,扩张京津冀协同发展中高等教育的有效合作领域,建设高校学科群服务京津冀协同发展。中心城市高等教育财政支出中,财政要支持各层次高等教育统筹协调发展,培养人才、引进人才,搭建校企合作平台。边缘城市高等教育财政支出投入中,要基于空间布局推动边缘城市高等教育进步,以社会资源共享推进边缘城市高等教育成长,以高等教育非均衡发展手段加快边缘城市高等教育前进。国家层面高等教育财政支出地理区域投入战略的政策建议:适当对经济落后地区采取中央高等教育财政成本补偿措施,科学确定经济落后地区学生个人高等教育成本负担比例,健全国家助学制度,建立高等教育财政支出绩效评价体系,财政推动发展专业教育国际认证,构建跨区域高等教育合作的利益补偿与激励机制。地理区域层面高等教育财政支出地理区域投入战略的政策建议是,构建区域内协同发展的高等教育财政支出模式,财政推动区域高等教育差异化发展,对内开放和对外开放两手抓,强化地方政府官员的高等教育政绩评估,推动发展开放式的高等教育投资体制。关键词:高等教育财政支出;收入分层;新经济地理;空间分布;非均衡协调投入ABSTRACT21st century is a century of talent competition.Economic development based on human capital has replaced economic development based on physi cal capital; education especially higher education is an important motivator.Higher education is closely related to economic development and income distribution.All nations pay high attention to the development of higher education and fund higher education.The relationship among higher education,economic development and income distribution has been a hot topic in social science.The research discusses the allocation features of regional higher education governmental spending and causes,analyses the relationship among higher education,economic development and income distribution and tries to find the optimum way of regional higher education governmental spending allocation to let it play positive role fully in economic development and income distribution.The modes of regional higher education governmental spending include progressive mode,formula mode,performance mode,derivative mode and compound mode etc.The path dependence and lock-in of the transition of the higher education governmental spending modes is functional lock-in,cognitive lock-in and politi cal lock-in.Functional lock-in results in the convergent development of universities and colleges,cognitive lock-in causes inadequate supply of public finance,and politi cal lock-in is stuck in official's will.The lock-ins are fetters of higher education development,we have to functionally unlock,cognitively unlock and politi cally unlock to get rid of the fetters and innovate the modes of higher education governmental spending.Functional unlock is to classify the modes of higher education governmental spending,cognitive unlock is to clarify the dynamic fis cal responsibilities of governments,politi cal unlock is to remove the administrative constraints of the modes.The causes of higher education governmental spending are regional economy,politics,fis cal system of higher education,regional financial strength,regional higher education foundation and regional layouts of national higher education governmental spending and the causes are related to each other.Regional higher education governmental spending and income stratification are not only one-way cause and effect but also mutual endogenous.For labor mobility and competition among governments,regional higher education governmental spending and income stratification also related to each other spatially.The cluster analysis of provincial higher education governmental spending finds out that developed regions have strong financial resources and high governmental spending in higher education,while underdeveloped regions have weak financial resources and low governmental spending in higher education even with the support of national policies.Some provinces in the eastern region belong to same classification in higher education governmental spending obviously.Provinces in central region and western region don't cluster obviously.Some provinces such as Hainan Province in eastern region are different to other provinces,which suggests that provinces in east regions belong to different cluster.In hierarchy cluster analysis central and western region and northeastern region belong to one cluster.Eastern region should be fractionized so that input policy could be appropriate for adjusting higher education governmental spending.Central,western and northeastern regions should be combined to one great region so that the governmental spending in higher education could be balanced.The spatial features of regional governmental spending in higher education show that regional governmental spending is concentrated but the concentration is less than that of GDP and income stratification,which means that government couldn't offset market failure but alleviate it.The evaluation of output of governmental spending in higher education proves that the output is not only influenced by the stock but also the productivity which is decided by regional factors such as cluster,relationship with economy and income stratification,absorbing the spillover of higher education of government spending outside of the region.The research also demonstrates that outputs of regional government spending in higher education vary a lot but tend to decrease.That is the co-function of the s cale and productivity of regional government spending in higher education,the output has significant influence on higher education total factor productivity,s cale of government spending in higher education,economic growth,and further the income stratification among the regions.Strategy of governmental spending in higher education in national viewpoint,the optimization of central governmental spending in higher education should increase the regional input,collect funds for higher education through multi-channels,take things from the better-off regions and give them to the poorer ones,make transfer payments to compensate the efficient loss of governmental spending in higher education of undeveloped provinces.In the governmental spending of higher education in eastern,central,western and northeastern regions,governmental spending should support higher education develop first in eastern region,help higher education resource sharing in northeastern region,aid higher education to rise in central region,tilt to higher education quality improvement in west region and carry out the program of counterpart support between universities and colleges in eastern region and western region.Strategy of governmental spending in growth pole of higher education gathering area should fund growth pole to have first-class universities and first-class disciplines,the developed drag the undeveloped.Strategy of governmental spending in higher education in old revolutionary ar ea,ethnic areas,remote area,impoverished area and grass root areas should set up a comprehensive lo cal colleges,run a university or college jointly with a 4-year university or college adjacent in geography or enlarge an original normal college to a comprehensive lo cal college.Strategy of governmental spending in higher education in region viewpoint,the governmental spending in higher education in politi cal and economic regions,the regions with strong politics and economy should input more for higher education to build first-class universities and first-class disciplines in the world and develop the income stratification reasonably.Regions with strong politics and weak economy should get more funding from the central government through the politi cal advantage and change the advantage to development of higher education and strive for reasonable income stratification.Regions with weak politics and strong economy should make use of the economic advantage to compensate spending in higher education to develop higher education and push reasonable income stratification.Regions with weak politics and economy should adopt following policy.Governmental spending in higher education in regions such as Yangtze River economic zone,one belt and one road should support higher education,aid higher education going out,industry-university-institute cooperate and to bring in higher education.Yangtze river economic zone should allocate input structure of higher education,train talents and attract talents gathering in universities and colleges by multi-methods.Coordinated development of Beijing,Tianjin and Hebei should perfect the environment of working together and benefitting each other,clarify the responsibility of higher education.Center cities should support all-level higher education developing coordinately,talent training and talent bringing in and set up the platform of university-enterprise cooperation.Remote cities should push higher education develop based on spatial allocation and accelerate higher education develop by means of unbalanced development.The suggestions for the strategy of higher education gov ernmental spending from the national viewpoint are to adopt measure of cost compensation of central government to underdeveloped regions,stipulate scientifi cally the cost burden ratio of student in underdeveloped regions,perfect national grant-aided system,build appraisal system of governmental spending in higher education,push the development of international professional accreditation and set up benefit compensation and incentive mechanism for the cooperation among regions.The suggestions for the strategy of higher education governmental spending from regional viewpoint are to set up governmental spending mode in higher education for coordinated development within regions,push regional higher education develop differently,open to the inside and outside,strengthen performance appraisal of higher education of lo cal officials and develop opening-up investing system of higher education.Key words:governmental spending in higher education; income stratification; new economic geography; spatial allocation; inbalanced coordinative input