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A Discursive-psychological Study of Judges' Judicial Behavior

纸书售价: 52.8 纸书定价:¥66.0 电子书售价: 26.4







Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background to the Study
1.2 Purpose of the Study
1.3 Theoretical Assumptions of the Study
1.4 Research Questions
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Judges' Institutional Roles
2.1.1 Judges' Varying Roles Under Different Judicial Systems
2.1.2 Jurisprudential Definitions of Judges' Role
2.1.3 Judge under China's Constitution
2.2 Judicial Behavior Research
2.2.1 Cognitive-psychological Approach to Judicial Behavior
2.2.2 Sociological Approach to Judicial Behavior
2.2.3 The Discursive Turn in Judicial Behavior Research
2.3 Discursive Psychology
2.3.1 Accounts of Course of Action
2.3.2 Accounts of Mind
2.3.3 Accounts of Identity
2.4 Summary
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework and Method
3.1 Respecifying Judicial Behavior
3.2 Concept and Assumption
3.2.1 Discourse
3.2.2 Discursive Action Model
3.3 Theories of Discursive Actions
3.3.1 Speech Act Theory
3.3.2 Exchange Structure Theory
3.3.3 Linguistic Anthropology
3.4 A Theoretical Framework
3.4.1 Characterizing Discursive Actions
3.4.2 Identifying Identity
3.4.3 Configurating Judicial Discourse Order
3.5 Method
3.5.1 Dataset
3.5.2 Data Analysis
Chapter 4 Discursive Enactment of Judges' Judicial Behavior
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Framing Judicial Trial
4.3 Judges' Discursive Actions
4.3.1 Coordinative
4.3.2 Inquisitive
4.3.3 Representative
4.3.4 Attributive
4.4 Summary
Chapter 5 Judges' Identity Performance in Discursive Actions
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Self-identifying
5.3 Discourse Identities
5.3.1 Initiator
5.3.2 Evaluator
5.4 Situated Identities
5.4.1 Procedure Organizer
5.4.2 Fact Investigator
5.4.3 Order Maker
5.5 Transportable Identities
5.5.1 Justice Doer
5.5.2 Officialdom
5.5.3 Social Member
5.6 Summary
Chapter 6 The Ontology of Judicial Behavior
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Disparity in JJB
6.2.1 Procedure-oriented vs.Substance-oriented
6.2.2 Authority vs.Solidarity
6.2.3 Paradigmatic vs.Narrative
6.3 The Ontological Structure for JJB
6.3.1 Heideggerian Theory of Being
6.3.2 Judges' Caring and Knowing
6.3.3 Summary
Chapter 7 Conclusion
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Summary of the Research
7.3 Major Findings
7.3.1 Discursive Characterization of Judicial Behavior
7.3.2 Judges' Epistemological Positioning
7.3.3 An Ontological Account of JJB
7.4 Implications
7.4.1 Discursive Construction of Justice
7.4.2 Possibility for Judicial Reform
7.4.3 Critical Discourse Awareness
7.5 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research


